domingo, 24 de junio de 2018

Essays- Task 2


1. The translation in the learning of the English language plays an important and fundamental role in the Hispanic countries; as a reflection is made and the language makes sense in the life of those who study it. The translation gives bases and tools to relate to the knowledge and conceptualizations allows to satisfy doubts, concerns and at the same time enriches the dialect. with translations is not intended to highlight which language is better than the other important and really timely is to understand the importance of both with the uniqueness that is being studied is English, the appropriate way is to use educational methodologies that make us the most bearable path . Nowadays English is a pillar in our classrooms, in families, in social relationships and wherever we have contact. When we listen to native English, the intention is not to be forewarned before the understanding and always to resort to translators, but rather to try it by inertia, by coaching with the certainty that we can develop great competences. Another key point is that it is not a matter of translating texts or conversations textually, on the contrary, making translation an interpretive act respecting the line of not changing the real intention of what is being discussed.
there are many translation techniques; The reader or interpreter should be inculcated or familiarized with the one that seems to provide the skills to function in school, life, society and context in general.
By: Johanna López

Since communicative methodologies have become dominant, the translation process has moved to the background because an emphasis is placed on the creation of sentences with meaning instead of constructing perfect grammatical structures and that the goal is always to write and pronounce in a correct
Although translation has been a mechanism that has made a difference in the processes of teaching a foreign language, it has been valued in another way, but with the purpose of improving techniques and teaching processes for teaching and acquisition. of new knowledge within the English language.
Translation is an important mechanism for students to feel motivated to learn a new language, but in turn tends to be a tool where interaction is not achieved as a means and as a final goal in learning a foreign language. Nowadays it is important to learn and know how to communicate, develop in the medium and interact, and this could only be achieved using communicative methodologies where priority is given to linguistic competences, creating interactive methods that lead the student to develop their neurolinguistic abilities.
In conclusion, the translation has been part of the method of teaching a new language, but in turn over time has been isolated from it, but for that reason it is still important to take it into account and get the best out of it. , like communicative methodologies is a tool that facilitates the acquisition of a new language, making the most of communication and interaction.
By: Blanca Martínez

It is important to highlight that we currently find a latent need to include language learning (translation) in the classrooms as language teaching methods and strategies, in order to improve the interpretation of the language from its roots.

Atkinson (1987) promotes strategies of riddles in the learning that occurs in the students of languages, we can consider of this, that when the students do a translation of an L2 language to their mother tongue they use the literal translation technique, which in theory is the use of translating sentences word by word, but how reliable is this technique. Because we found that not all sentences can be translated literally. Hence the importance of including translation techniques in the language learning classrooms that allow the student to use the translation of the applied content in an appropriate manner. Include techniques in knowledge such as: borrowing, calque, oblique phrases among other techniques that will allow to make better use of L2 and better understanding of it, translation in language learning classes is of utmost importance, since translation is a discursive construction, which has a set of protocols that must be applied and thus does not affect the result of the same.
By: Leidy Jaramillo 

4. This text fragment is very interesting because the translation skills isn't just read and to translate, also,  proficiency, mean, awareness, but above all, coherency.
if no coherence, the text or the people which you are translate could be wrong with the you want make them understand. vocabulary acquisition is the key point besides, to we take any word that we need it we must have any preview knownledge about this word, that is, we have the word but we don't have its mean, thus we confuse of ourself doing us to doubt. 

unlinking the fragment text, we find the intercultural competence; for me, that words mean, the suitable context to a right translation, because thanks to the globalization of the merchandising, sports, food, studies, and everything about first world stuffs, many language barries were take down. the age of the terrotirial priorize, is gone now, the united and free world is the future and with this the foreing border is very less more and more, for ones that singularity is like a bible thing for others is a good thing, for me, is a language evolution. on conclution it, can be said that the language is concern to all of us and to earn its skills we must to learn every part that can offer us.
By: Edgar Viafara

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